Blog Post

Sunday 19th of March 2017

It is a year since I started practicing as a Buteyko practitioner. A complete change of career for me.

So why I am I doing this? The most logical thing for me to do is to get a job in a hospital and get a regular income, but when I read the science behind the Buteyko Breathing method I feel a great frustration when I hear people are not aware of how their breathing can effect their health in so many positive ways when we breathe right and negative ways when we get it wrong.

The science behind the Buteyko Breathing method is becoming increasingly hard to ignore. It is over sixty years, since Prof Buteyko made this discovery, it is extraordinary that research is still being undertaken.

The vast majority of the clinical studies that have been carried out on the efficacy of breathing re-education have investigated the Buteyko Method (also known as the Buteyko Breathing Technique). The fact that such a large number of studies have been conducted is quite remarkable given that the Buteyko Method is not a drug treatment and Buteyko Method clinical studies are not funded by pharmaceutical companies.

Some quotations from studies

“Even though no study has indicated exactly why Buteyko is so effective at controlling asthma, if a drug could show these results, then it is likely that it would be widely used in asthma control.” (Hassan et al, 2012)

This study demonstrated that the BBT (Buteyko Breathing Technique) and the TLPT (thoracic lymphatic pump technique) can effectively improve the total serum IgE, the ventilatory function in terms of FVC, FEV1, PEF, FEF25–75% and FEV1/FVC, and C-ACT scores in children with bronchial asthma. However, Buteyko breathing was more significantly effective compared with the TLPT.” (Elnaggara, 2016)

 “The results of this study revealed a significant decrease in asthma daily symptoms, a significant improvement in PEFR, and Control pause test in group A (Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT)), while there was insignificant change in group B (no BBT, just their prescribed medications).” (Hassan et al, 2012)