Buteyko Breathing Exercises Helps Maintain Our Children’s Health.
We want the best for our children. One of the best things we can do to help maintain our children’s health is to make sure they breathe through their noses both day and by night.
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Persistant Runny nose/blocked nose
- Allergies to grass, pollen, trees.
- Irritating cough,
- Asthma
- Snoring
- Sleep apnoea
- Daytime tiredness
- Poor concentration
- Hyperactive behaviour
- Bed wetting
- Wheezing or palpitations on exertion
- Poor dentition and overcrowding of teeth.
- Anxiety
- Poor sports performance
It may not seem obvious to you that how your child breathes is causing health problems. Chronic over-breathing is very subtle and often can go undetected. We know when we eat too much it because causes health problems, but what is less known is when we breathe more than the body requires health problems can occur.
How to recognise habitual over breathing.
- Frequent sniffing and or sighing
- Movement of shoulders while breathing
- Lots of visible movement
- Upper chest movement
- Effortful breathing
- Audible breathing during rest
- Mouth breathing
- Taking large breaths prior to talking
- Heavy breathing at night
- Holding of breath
What is involved in helping my child change their breathing habits.
The programme for children can be done over four sessions. Each session will be about an hour and a half. This can be done in a group or on a one to one basis. During the programme the children and parents will be taught the Principles of the Buteyko Breathing programme, which include:
- Recognising poor breathing habits
- Education on how one should breathe
- The importance of nasal breathing by day and by night,
- Reducing and eradicating symptoms with gentle breathing exercises.
- Exercising without distress
- Diet and how it impacts on breathing
These exercises are easily incorporated into ones daily routine. They are effective and produce noticeable results quickly.
Mouth breathing and Cranio-facial development.
Toddlers and young children generally have well defined, broad, and good looking faces. However a different story emerges with our teenagers, particularly if he or she suffers from any of the conditions listed above. What is happening is that the face and teeth development change as their breathing habits change.
It is well documented that 60% of the growth of the face takes place during the first four years of life and 90% takes place by the age of 12. Development of the lower jaw continues until around 18 years.
For correct cranio-facial development to take place, early intervention with nasal breathing and tongue posture is essential.
The Buteyko Breathing Programme is now taught on a one to one basis with a parent or guardian present. This gives parents more flexibility when trying to organise appointments between work and activities.
View Our Buteyko Courses
for children’s Buteyko courses email : info@easybreathing.ie to arrange an appointment or contact us via our online form.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Patrick for his help and guidance. The information in this website is available in books written by Patrick. Visit Website